Members agree to strive to meet the following ideals:
- Our paramount responsibility is to our customers, our community and our country.
- Decent housing should be within the reach of every family.
- Honesty is our guiding business policy.
- High standards of health, safety and sanitation shall be built into every home and rental unit.
- Members shall deal fairly with their respective employees, subcontractors, and suppliers.
- As members of a progressive industry, we encourage research to develop new materials, techniques, equipment and strive to improve methods of single family and multi-family financing, to the end that every home owner and resident of a rental dwelling may get the greatest value possible for every dollar.
- All sound legislative proposals affecting our industry and the people we serve shall have informed and vigorous support.
- We hold inviolate the private enterprise system and the American way of life, by refraining from any act intended to restrain trade or suppress competition, and to thereby promote private enterprise and guarantee equal rights for all.
- As a member of Central Susquehanna Builders Association, I agree to:
- Maintain the highest standard of professional conduct.
- Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information entrusted or known to me by virtue of my office.
- Refuse to engage in or approve of activities for personal gain at the expense of my industry or profession.
- Use every opportunity to improve public understanding of the role of the building industry.
- Describe accurately and honestly the price, materials and standards of workmanship in a contract.
- Use only materials agreed to or exceeding the quality of those specified in the contract.
- Contractors: Begin the construction process as soon as feasible upon award of a contract and proceed diligently to completion of the project without unnecessary delays.
- Promptly acknowledges and rectifies obvious defects in products, materials and workmanship within a reasonable time frame.
- By striving to attain and maintain high professional standards through continued education, quality of workmanship within a reasonable time frame on warranted products supplied by the contractor.