It’s time to shed a little light on creating the perfect ambiance in all the spaces of your new house – literally. At first glance, lighting appears to be an easy fix. However, looks can be deceiving! Homeowners are often surprised, not to mention delighted, at the variety of lighting options available on the market.
Today, it’s possible to create plenty of ambiance with several types of lights and lighting fixtures. Knowing a few professional lighting design and decorating tips can bring out the best in any room, hallway, or other living area.

Ambient Lighting: All-Purpose Lights
Every room in your new house deserves to have brightness without glare, and that’s exactly what ambient lighting provides. That wall switch that turns on the overhead lights or wall sconces in the hallway? It’s ambient lighting. Basically, ambient lighting is suitable enough as-is to light up a room without presenting annoying glare or shine. However, it is often used in conjunction with other types of lighting because it’s so basic. In other words, it’s the cake itself: Additional lights provide the icing!
For instance, you may find that during the day, ambient lighting and natural lighting from windows and French doors are perfect. However, in the evening, you probably will want to add decorative lighting or task lighting. Of course, some ambient lighting features – chandeliers come to mind – mingle aesthetics with practicality. In other words, you get the best of all worlds as you mix and match.
Task Lighting: Under-Cabinet Lights and More
Sometimes, lighting serves a specific purpose, such as vanity lights that make it simpler to take out your contact lenses or put on make-up. Consequently, this type of lighting is referred to as task lighting. A terrific example is the case of under-cabinet lights for the kitchen, workroom, and bath spaces. In this case, the lights are permanently mounted to shine exactly where you need more lighting. The concentrated beam of light assists you in getting your work done.
Think about the tasks you perform on a regular basis that might be easier, more efficient, and safer with a little task lighting. Then, talk with your home builder or decorator about having special lights installed. You’ll appreciate having brightness when and where it’s most needed!
Natural Lighting: Windows, Doors, and Skylights
Obviously, natural lighting is a must-have for most homeowners, as it shepherds the outdoors into your home in a stunning way. Not only does natural light bring a sense of beauty into any room, but it floods a house with soft light from sunrise until dusk. And that doesn’t even touch upon the potential savings of utilizing the sun’s warmth to keep a house cozier without constantly fiddling with the thermostat.
During new home building, you can expect to discuss natural lighting before construction begins. Expert home builders know how to make the most out of the positioning of a structure so you get all the benefits of the rising and setting sun. Skylights and similar natural lighting elements may be a perfect fit as well.
Accent Lighting: Floor and Table Lamps
All you need is a little room and an electrical outlet for floor and table lamps to brighten cozy nooks and other places in your home. Typically, floor lamps and table lamps illuminate precise and limited spaces, rather than bathing a large area in light. After all, the average lamp doesn’t have the power to light up whole rooms; expect to use other types of lighting to accompany accent lighting, rather than making it the one source of light in a space.
Love to decorate? You’ll appreciate accent lighting for its marketplace variety. If you’ve ever been to any retailer that sells lamps, you know that every style on the planet is available. From ultra-modern and chic desk lamps to eclectic, creative floor lamps, you can quickly bring out a room’s theme and style. Have fun exploring this type of functional décor.
Architectural Lighting: Cove, Valance, Etc.
Have you ever walked into a room and realized that some of the lighting was coming from a recess in a wall, or from another architectural location? The purpose of architectural lighting is to add dimension and texture to the innate features of the room. When applied correctly, the light bounces and radiates perfectly throughout the space.
Although this is indirect lighting, it complements direct lighting and helps reduce odd shadows in the corners of room. Not only does it create a sometimes-subtle glow, but it can eliminate the problem of having one part of a room too bright and the other too dark.
Planning to hang a special painting or other decorative piece? Feel free to use architectural lighting, such as swivel track lighting, to enhance and showcase your treasures. Remember that wall sconces can function architecturally and practically when placed in hallways and other gateway areas.
Landscape Lighting: Spotlights, Walkway Lighting
Would you consider yourself “house proud”? Show off the architectural features of your home while keeping you and your family secure at the same time. Landscape lighting gives you peace of mind after the sun dips into the western sky.
Landscape lighting can illuminate any areas and runs the gamut from mounted lights underneath windows and roofs to lights in the yard itself. When designed correctly, landscape lighting makes your house look its best at night. At the same time, it adds an element of protection against theft, especially when used in conjunction with a security system.
Want to keep utility bills at a minimum? Opt to have a portion of your landscape lights on a switch, and others that are motion-sensitive. This will give you the appearance and safety features you want and need, but without requiring you to keep all the landscape lights on overnight.
Your home should be a place to love during all seasons, as well as a place that feels incredibly warm and comfortable. With the proper selection of lighting features, you can ensure that every moment you spend in your new house is perfectly lit.