It will not be long until it is time for the local home shows or local builder’s shows to take place around the region. These shows offer a great opportunity for folks who may be considering building a home or doing some remodeling to look for ideas and check out new products. The home shows are usually scheduled early in the year during a time when outdoor activities are somewhat limited by the weather. Here are some tips that will allow you to maximize your experience at a local home show.
- In advance of attending a home show, call the local home building association and ask when it is best to attend to beat the normal crowds.
- If you have a specific project in mind, bring any relevant measurements, material names and photographs to assist you when talking shop.
- Bring along a pen/pencil and paper to make notes.
- Dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable footwear because there is a lot of ground to cover to enjoy the whole show.
- Exhibitors at the shows are happy to talk to you without being pressured for a sale. The vendors realize that most everyone is there to look, shop, and gather information, and not to “buy” on the spot. Don’t be afraid to make eye contact with exhibitors as you walk through the aisles, you’d be amazed at who you might see and what you might learn.